Environmental literacy should be everyone’s priority

We believe more people and organisations need to become environmentally literate.

Environmental literacy means knowing and understanding the benefits we gain from our environment – and the harm we’re causing to it.

Climate breakdown is not an issue that can be dealt with by itself. It’s inextricably linked to the decline in biodiversity; to the increasing pollution of our air, water and soil; and of course to social issues like inequality, political extremism and abuse of power. All these crises overlap and influence each other. They’re not neatly boxed off in their own isolation chambers for us to deal with one by one; the lines between them are really the foggiest of outlines.

Environmental literacy is also about realising that the division between “us” and “the environment” is artificial and insubstantial. We’re part of the world, and the damage we cause to it affects our lives, our friends’ and our neighbours’ lives today, and future generations’ lives tomorrow.

We believe that by knowing more about the world we live in, we can enhance our environment rather than degrading it.

We want to help you, and the organisations you’re part of, to know more.


Take a course

We’ve created a mix of introductory and specialist online courses, available to individuals and organisations.

Watch a video

From feature-length stories to bite-sized hints and tips, our videos help you learn on a schedule that suits you.

Read an article

Deep dives and personal perspectives that bring the issues of climate breakdown to life.


Friends and partners

You need trustworthy sources whatever subject you’re learning about – and that goes double for emotive topics like climate breakdown. We trust these organisations and you can too.